onsdag 6 maj 2015


Seizoengeur van genoten

Hedonist feestje menu

Van voorproefje winter
Droog, koud, hard

Naar nazomer petrichor
Nat, warm, zacht

Wandelt jouw lichaam van voorgerecht naar toetje
En ik krijgt al jouw slagroom

torsdag 6 november 2014

Hollow unfollow

All those hours at the office
When I still was just a colleague
We did so good work together
It was an inspirational time

My mistake was to friend
Then came your bullshit feelings
Unaware, I naively thought of it mutual
Listen, keep secrets, stand up for
Qualities of friendship
Right when you needed it

You never could handle
My liberal independent spirit
My love life

You got rational arguments on a plate
In return High tea with cakes of flakiness, a mask of wit with pity sugar
You brought me chemical perfume acid boils my veins
Smells good but nevertheless toxic

Is the conservative way of leaving
You couldn't have given less fucks about me

måndag 13 oktober 2014


How long can you
Stand on one leg
Doing the chicken dance

fredag 3 oktober 2014

Break your bones

Since when were my belongings
defined as yours?
We've never even met
Still, you thought that shiny
Brand new bike
Should make your knees hurt instead

torsdag 2 oktober 2014

Stapler VS Suit

Hollow eyes
Full suit pockets
Backslick and smug
You forgot how long
It took to clean up the ashes last time around

Be water


Friendship drizzles
Family drops
Work pours
Home rains
Love drowns you

onsdag 1 oktober 2014


Imagine virtual intoxication for a month
Then the hangover